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reframe society.

As a social worker and award winning film director I connect people, beliefs and ideas to accelerate positive change.

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social art.

I develop art and culture projects that help people find their voice. And foster a mutual understanding between groups in society. We advocate on issues like youth participation, human rights and mental health. To affect positive change.



Dirk is:
Educated as a journalist.

Established as a director of film.
Amplified as a social worker.

Telling and sharing stories;


About people. 

Who push limits to fulfil a personal purpose.

To better an ever changing planet.

About you. 
And me.
C'mon, let's make a fuss,
on our beliefs.



‎‎Dirk Zekveld

film director & social worker

+31 (0)6 51 25 98 31

Amplify your positive impact on the world!

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